Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Be a successful Adult learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Be a successful Adult learner - Essay Example I chose to take a writing course not because I’m interested purely in the subject (on the contrary - I am not really found of writing essays), but mostly because I am eager to deepen my knowledge. I believe effective writing is extremely important for a person of my profession for several reasons. First of all, effective writing is always an attribute of an educated person who is a professional in one’s field. Secondly, knowledge and skills in the subject are to help any future nurse to avoid spelling or other mistakes that might be vitally important for a patient. In addition, I believe the course in writing will not only help me to improve the writing skills, but will also enrich my knowledge about the better ways and methods of studying and gaining new knowledge, as well as expressing own thoughts and ideas. Since I am eager to obtain a nationally recognized professional qualification, the writing skills, I believe are an integral part of it. Besides that, good and experienced teaching staff as well as well-developed academic programs will broaden my mind and help me to acquire all the necessary skills to succeed in my future

Monday, October 28, 2019

Answer Key for Effective Writing Essay Example for Free

Answer Key for Effective Writing Essay School purchasers may make copies for use by their staff and students. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. 1 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content. oxford and o xford english are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press Executive Publisher: Janet Aitchison Senior Acquisitions Editor: Pietro Alongi Associate Editor: Scott Allan Wallick Art Director: Maj-Britt Hagsted Production Manager: Shanta Persaud Production Controller: Eve Wong  © Oxford University Press 2007 isbn: 978- 0-19-430884-7 Database right Oxford University Press (maker) Effective Academic Writing 3: Answer Key an engineer . Both my mother and father were born in different countries, so my relatives are scattered all over the world . I really like traveling and have been to Europe and Asia . Although we try to get together for important occasions, this was the first time everyone could attend . Most importantly, my good friends had never met my relatives . Developing good friendships takes a lot of work . Watching them all dancing, laughing, and having a wonderful time will stay in my memory forever . The band we hired played music that the guests loved and we danced for hours .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Benefits of Aerobic, Resistance and Balance Exercises in the Geriat

Functionality means individual capabilities to carry out activities of daily life in a harmless and self-regulating way without being fatigue. Physical inactivity invites various problems in elderly individuals. The reasons of immobility in elderly people are poor health, hospitalization, and disability that reduce body’s muscle mass1. At the age of 50 years, minor reduction in muscle strength occurs and after the age of 65 years each decade it reduces 12% to 15% 2 .The study mentions that â€Å"Loss of muscle mass, particularly of fast-twitch or Type II fibers that accompany advanced age, is associated with muscle weakness, increased fatigability, and a loss of functional independency†1. Decreased muscle strength in elderly people which includes reduced muscle mass (atrophy) and decreased capacity to produce enough force that indirectly affects their ADL.1 Hence, Strength training plays an important role in elderly fitness programs. Impaired balance is major cause of f alls in elderly individuals and it is necessary to implement balance exercise in their daily life. As people get older, their aerobic capacity is reduced which is responsible for cardiac, pulmonary, and peripheral disease so, aerobic exercise helps geriatric people to improve their aerobic capacity.4 Need assessment: Older individuals suffer from various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. According to National Diabetes Fact sheet (2011), â€Å"26.9% or 10.9 million of all people in age 65 years or older had diabetes in 2010†5. The CDC indicates that â€Å"seven of every 10 Americans die each year, or more than 1.7 million people die due to chronic disease†5 Numbers of elderly individuals are increasing rapidly. According to th... ...rowing crisis of chronic disease in United States, retrieved from 7) Acampora, D., Friedkin, R., Nabors, J., Rizzo, JA., Tinetti, ME., & Williams,CS. (1998). Health care utilization and costs in a Medicare population by fall status. Medical Care 1998;36(8):1174–88. 8) Clark, J., & Jones, C.J. (1998). National standards for preparing senior fitness instructors. Journal of aging and Physical Activity: 6, 207-221 Jones, J., & Rikli, R. (1999). Development and validation of a functional fitness test for community-residing older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 7, 129-161 9) ACSM guidelines textbook

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Patient Education

Psychosocial Factors and Patient Education 09 Oct 11 Zahava Ohana Homework Week Two (1) Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on the patient education; Patient’s background. For example, that patient came from a background that does not believe on any medicines. They go to a â€Å"voodoo doctor† for some spiritual interventions and they are content on that. Because they are not too well educated or maybe it is their first time being seen in a medical treatment facility. This is will leave a lot of patience on the patient care professional and have way of approach how to convince that patient to be compliant by gathering more information on why this patient don’t believe in taking medications. (2) Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education; I only have an example of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors on patient education are his or her previous experiences. For example, this patient had been treated horribly on his past visit for PTSD. We know this kind of problem or disorder is very important. Especially to a military that were â€Å"blown up†. This type of patients needs extra assistance and a careful note taking. Guiding him to the right person and always reinforced by a good patient education. By showing them, you care and always ready for them. This will make his previous experiences is outdated†. Because, you took the time and showing the patient by explaining the necessary things that he will be going during his next visits. (3) Explain what is meant by personality styles and give examples of approaches that could be used to help the patient. Include self-perfection as a factor; This is the patients or individual lifetime fingerprint or history. Since childbirth, every human being is already being mold in types of personality styles. One is introvert or extrovert. One is made by thinking and the other is feeling. Example a Marine that has a high pain tolerance. When he presents himself at sickbay, he seems fine and not distressed. Because through his time he learned how to block the pain and keep going. This approach will be tough at times because he tell you the only reason he came to sickbay is my boss ordered me to seek medical help. This is so common in the military not showing the true self because the failure of not an option. A good subjective note will determine on how bad his injury is. After his medical examination a good concise and list of things on how to take medication he was prescribe, a physical therapy appointments that need to be present on all his appointments. In addition, informing his superiors regarding his conditions. (4) List the steps in adjustment to illness and how the patient copes with each of the steps; Denial is one of the steps in adjustments to illness. For instance, a patient was diagnosed with lung cancer. That patient will go to all the stages first will be denial, ‘this can’t be†, next will be anger, â€Å"why this happened to me now’, bargaining is next, â€Å"I will be a good person and hope this cancer goes away†, next is depression, that patient will stop caring and last one is acceptance, he is ready and understand why it happened. This step depends on how the patient will cope on this step. He can go straight acceptance. It is very hard to understand denials. Compensatory strategies for example a patient is so good in playing sports like basketball after an uneventful tragedy the patient was injured and ended up his basketball career. Nevertheless, his passion in basketball he ended using his talent by coaching young kids to be a good player. This is how he copes by helping and sharing all his ideas and skills on how to be the best and dominant individual in the court. (5) explain the health professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages; The health professional’s role in teaching at different life stages is very challenging and rewarding. It should be approach on patient’s level not at health professional. Patients are not taught all the fancy medical terminologies. However, we are taught these terminologies to apply it in our notes. The patient relays to you the problem and the health professional translate to our medical notes and convey it to the medical providers. It should not matter if we are dealing with a toddler or a geriatric. Because it how the health professional handles and delivers. All stages should be treated the same. Patient education will be taught or relay to the patient in trusting and clear instructions and always have a time of asking. Either the patient ask the health professional ask first the questions or you ask the question if there is a need of clarification. This is what I have been doing when I approach a patient. I get on my knees or sit right next to them. Asking the pertinent questions and before they leave the medical facility. I proudly and confident ask if they need some assistance in getting to their car or escorting them to their love ones and If the patient is able enough I explained to the patient all the important things along with their relatives. 6) define the role of the family in patient education; The role of the family in patient education plays a major part. As we all know family support systems is either good or bad. Sometimes, a decision of a family member can result to a life-altering event towards patient’s recovery or vice versa. This also includes their beliefs if they need to continue to support what the health professional instructions or just go with belief not seek further medical treatment because it is not their belief or they are fully convinced by the health professional’s patient education. Nevertheless, if a family supports and follows the instructions from the health professional it lessens our burden or task in hand. Because we have these supporting group that is willingly to assist you especially when saw your confidence, trust and motivation. (7) How might the family influence the compliance of the patient and what measures can the health care professional use in communication with the family; The family can influence the patient compliance in many ways. The eagerness of the family in helping their sick love ones to the path of recovery. Because the family believes the health professional’s explanation was clear and open of all question and suggestion. The best measure use in the communication is one on one with the patient’s family. Explaining to them all the procedures, what to expect after the procedures, the medications that will be prescribe to the patient and how to assist the patient in day-to-day task. Following it up by appointments and reminding them a day prior of the follow up appointments. Psychosocial factors and patient education will always come in hand to hand. It is how the health professional approach a patient in different stages. â€Å"Adaptable and overcome’. This is what I was been taught and learned when I was in military for 20 years. Always on the ready to any things that comes to you. References 1) Text: Falvo, Chapters 4 – 6 2) Module Two; Lecture Two 3) Eberle, C. (n. d. ) Illness behavior in the elderly. University of Nebraska Medical Center. Retrieved July 5, 2007, from http:// webmedia. unmc. edu/intmed/geriatrics/lectures/ill_behv2_03_files/outline. htm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I Believe in Love Essay

Love is a refuge that without it nothing can exist. Without the love of God the world wouldn’t have life. Without the passion of two lovers no child would be brought in to the cycle of life. Ignorant people under the guise of social acceptance have removed love from their lives, and have torn themselves apart morally. But I believe love heals all, love never fails, and love knows all. If there’s one thing to learn about the many genres of love it’s this. It is instinctual to give comfort to those who don’t want it, and to push comfort away when it’s given. My father was beside himself as he looked at the charred remains of his truck. He was utterly shocked that the fire didn’t spread at all, but just stayed on the truck. A memory of being in that truck, driving all over Oklahoma, crosses his mind. Thoughts of how I thought I would die in an accident truck by driving it cross my mind. He was stunned to say the least about the incident, and no one could get through to him that we were there for him. My father started to bounce back after a few hours. You could even find a tiny smile on his mouth. My family and I kept our guards and when he was finally ready to accept it, our love was still right there to support him. Love doesn’t give up, so we didn’t either. Another lesson that I’ve witnessed is that no one takes love serious anymore. About ten percent of just the U.S. is divorced, and most of those are 20-24 year olds. There is lust at first sight, but no love. We humans notice symmetry and strong biological traits, and automatically want to mate and carry on those traits as well as ours. But there are all these naive, young, kids who think that lust will carry them to happiness. Then they find themselves in court for a year getting a divorce. Lust will always fail, but love won’t. â€Å"Love and Hate are simply the fraternal twin offspring of Passion.† A quote I wrote myself. Everything on God’s green Earth is a love story because love is passion and so is hate. Love and Hate are two completely different emotions that do the same damage. Who knows about what the day’s conversation vocabulary will bring? We all tell such passionate, moving tales of angst that that is all we know anymore. We may not know what our actions will bring, but love does. After crisis and after victory there is a bond between those who fought to the end, and that bond is love. There are countless quotes all trying in vain to define love in all its nebulous wonders. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 defines love the best saying, â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud†¦It always†¦perseveres.† Love heals all, love never fails, and love knows all.